So. Feb 9th, 2025

Titelbild: Gliederung einer Penetration- Division

Die US- Army hat seit letztem Jahr offiziell das Konzept für „Schwere Durchbruchs- Divisionen“ aufgelegt / Penetration Divisions genannt.
Beachten sie, dass dies integriert ist, in die neue Doktrin der Multi-Domain(Sphären)-Operations – FPI berichtete.

Das Fachblatt Battle-Order hat dazu einen ausführlichen Artikel eingestellt.

As the U.S. Army is refocusing on division-centric large scale combat operations (LSCO), it is planning on reviving the division as a proper tactical unit of action. From the late 2000s, the Brigade Combat Team had become the Army’s units of action with full-spectrum combat support. At that time, divisions became primarily administrative bodies with little in the way of combat capabilities outside of the its BCTs and Aviation Brigades. Under this scheme, divisions became operational units of employment that wielded units of action (brigades) to achieve tactical outcomes. However, for the conventional wars that the U.S. Army sees itself fighting the future, larger units with capabilities aligned to conventional warfighting will be required. In a sense, divisions will themselves become units of action wielded by corps as units of employment.

FPI-Anmerkung: Dann hat man eine Truppen- Massierung (im Rahmen des Angriffs- Keils), und in diese Masse kann Russland Bomben werfen – sehr effektive Bomben werfen – FPI berichtete.

Durchbruch nach Moskau

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